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Is Your Customer Experience Actually Built for Your Customer?

Duration - 60 minutes
Cole Armstrong

Cole Armstrong

Director, NeuroSpot

Chris Andrew

Chris Andrew

Director, 10XL

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The B2C market is super crowded – companies are not just competing for the consumer’s dollar, but also their time. With enough options going around and marketing budgets becoming more cautious, what will help set your company apart?

NeuroSpot’s Cole Armstrong has over 10 years of researching consumer behavior, and through 10XL, Chris Andrew has worked with some of the biggest e-retailers to better understand their customers. Join them to understand how behavioral insights hold the best-kept secrets to conversion. 

Together, they’ll discuss:

  • All companies stress on customer experience, but what does it tactically break down to?
  • What does it mean to build a customer experience that evolves with your business?
  • Why is it important to extensively test every part of your customer experience?
  • What are the ultimate indicators of a good customer experience?

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