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7 Must-have eCommerce Marketing Tools To Supercharge Conversions

8 Min Read

*Note: Please find the links to the resources listed in the ‘Sources’ section at the end of the post.

The internet, as it is today, can connect any business to its target audience, irrespective of where they reside in the world. Online retail, therefore, is an ever-expanding industry with promising profits, provided you master the art of driving traffic and conversions. Even so, many eCommerce businesses suffer losses from low conversion rates that are a result of ineffective sales and digital marketing strategies. Sometimes, even the right strategies can let you down, without the right tools for execution that you can either build yourself or buy.

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To ensure that doesn’t happen to you, use these 7 eCommerce marketing tools that can help you grow your business: 

1) SerpStat For SEO and Website Optimization Research

What is SerpStat?

SerpStat is a back-link and keyword research tool that can help you assess your website’s SEO status. Using SerpStat’s data, you can make changes to your website and SEO strategies and increase conversions.

Why do you need SerpStat?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an important source of referral traffic for any eCommerce store. The better you get at SEO, the more high-quality traffic and conversions you are likely to generate. Getting good at SEO isn’t only about having the right skills, but using the right tools.
SerpStat helps you monitor the following parameters for SEO:

  •  Website ranking
  • Keyword ranking
  • Number and strength of back-links
  • Website performance
  •  Competitors’ performance

SerpStat collects data relevant to these parameters and presents it to you, so you can make the best decisions to improve your SERPs (Search Engine Page Ranks). Better SERPs result in higher traffic and better conversion rates. 

use SerpStat for ecommerce SEO
Image source: Bloggerpassion

2) WishPond For Increased Lead Generation and Automation

What is WishPond?

WishPond is a web page creation and optimization tool that helps boost your conversion rate. Using the tool, you can design landing pages, test, and improve them to increase eCommerce conversions.

What do you need WishPond?

Very often, you might find customers coming to online stores but leaving without making purchases. This could happen if your landing pages are not optimized for smooth customer experience. The content, design, and responsiveness of landing pages affect how customers respond to them. How you manage these factors is critical in boosting your conversion rate.

When creating landing pages, WishPond helps you ensure that:

  • The content on each page is relevant to the people who land on it
  • Your pages are designed to allow easy navigation
  • The conversion elements on your page are tested to optimize the conversion rate

The landing pages you create need not be focused on direct sales. They could advertise a webinar instead, offering your customers alternate means of interacting with your brand, without having to make monetary commitments before they are ready. Webinars, eBooks, and email subscriptions are all great ways to collect leads to increase conversions at a later point.

use WishPond for ecommerce lead generation
Image source: Changecreator

3) VWO For Delivering an Optimized Digital Experience

What is VWO?

An end-to-end experience optimization and growth platform, VWO helps you identify key elements on your eCommerce website and optimize them to improve customer experience and engagement and thereby, conversion rates.

Why do you need VWO?

Providing a seamless customer experience is the key to improving conversions on your website. But how do you figure out what exactly makes for a seamless user experience? Or more importantly, which elements of your site don’t contribute to providing that seamless experience? 

The answer is simple. You let VWO Insights help you understand the visitor behavior on your website with various tools such as Session Recordings, Heatmaps, Form Analytics, On-Page Surveys, and Funnels. These highly effective tools help you work out the problem areas on your website, improve them, and make the stuff that’s working even better. 

Next, use VWO Testing to create and run A/B tests on your website that tell you what improvements you need to make to optimize user experience to increase conversions and tackle issues such as cart abandonment. Be it your CTA copy, headline font color or product images; VWO’s easy-to-use Visual Editor ensures creating multiple variations of your existing pages or modifying existing ones can be done efficiently without having to rely on a developer. What’s more, you are provided with an exhaustive library of widgets to work with. 

Your conversion optimization journey doesn’t end there. To improve customer retention and loyalty, you need to leverage new channels to engage with your customers. VWO Engage allows you to do so by automating your push notification campaigns. So, whether you’ve published a new blog post or are running a Black Friday sale, you need to rely solely on emails for promotions and to drive traffic to your website. 

Since these messages are sent as push notifications, your customers are more likely to notice them and act on them. Notifications can be your means of increasing customer loyalty by keeping in touch with the people who have already interacted with your website. This increased customer loyalty, in turn, will lead to increased conversions and sales. 

If you are new to the world of CRO, you can get started with a free trial of the VWO platform and watch how it can help you optimize digital experience and convert better.

VWO is world's leading experience optimization & growth platform

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4) DrumUp to Generate More Traffic via Social Media

What is DrumUp?

DrumUp is an app that helps you schedule social media content in advance and ensure that your content is promoted extensively and consistently, over a period of time.

Why do you need DrumUp?

Social media is an important channel for eCommerce businesses that allows them to engage with their customers and provide excellent customer service. Social media is also an underrated way to drive traffic back to your website.

Using the DrumUp app, you can:

  • Schedule posts to go out every day.
  • Set certain posts to repeat on a schedule, so they are maximized to generate traffic.
  • Add best posts and promotions to content libraries so you can find and re-promote them from time to time.

Many businesses spend a lot of time creating content only to share them once and forget about them. Instead, they should be organizing their content and reusing them from time to time, maximizing the traffic and engagement.

use DrumUp for managing ecommerce social media
Image source: Drumup

5) Canva For Creating Compelling Visuals

What is Canva?

Canva is a visual content maker that can help you create images easily, without having to understand the rules of design. The tool has pre-made templates that you can easily use to create quick images. 

Why do you need Canva?

Marketers prefer visual communication to text-based communication because it’s more powerful. People not only process visuals quicker than text but also retain visual messages longer. That’s why most marketing channels today are dominated by visually rich content. Using Canva, you can experiment with multiple types of visual content to boost traffic and conversions.

  • Infographics
  • Quote covers
  • Screenshots

Each of these types of visuals can be edited on Canva for consistent branding. You can save standard templates for each of these visuals beforehand and insert your content when creating them. Since Canva has pre-set canvas sizes for different uses, you can create optimized visuals.

Canva is an online tool for creating visual designs

6) MailChimp For Creating Impactful Emails

What is MailChimp?

Email marketing tools such as MailChimp help you write, design, and send out powerful emails that, in turn, aids your business growth. While they offer multiple plans to choose from, if your eCommerce store is fairly new, you can opt for the free plan that offers all basic features to help you set the wheels in motion for a successful email marketing strategy.

Why do you need MailChimp?

Needless to say, your eCommerce marketing strategy is incomplete without a comprehensive email marketing plan that encompasses the entire user journey. Running an effective email campaign is one of the most personal ways of building relationships with prospects, leads, and customers and driving them to your online store.

Using MailChimp, you can:

  • Send personalized emails recommending the right products and services to the right people
  • Retarget customers by sending follow-up emails about their favorite products and best-sellers
  • Create an email list, reach a wider audience, attract new customers and drive traffic using pop-up forms

All of this and so much more will make sure you’re always on top of your prospects’ minds. 

MailChimp is an ecommerce marketing tool for sending emails
Image source: SLRLounge

7) Privy For Creating Effective Exit Intent Banners and Pop-ups

What is Privy?

Privy helps you create exit intent banners and pop-ups that help you change your visitors’ mind as soon as they decide to drop out. These banners/pop-ups could contain offers, promotions, warning, reminders about their abandoned cart, or simply a message that tells them why they shouldn’t leave just yet. You can also use these to ask for people’s information before they leave and use it later for sending newsletters, promotions, etc.

Why do you need Privy?

You can use the tool to find out exactly why your users are navigating away from your website and reduce bounce rates significantly. Thanks to analytics tools such as Google Analytics, you can also track and measure if the exit intent banners and pop-ups are really working for your website and later, customize them accordingly. 

To make the most of your exit banners and pop-ups, be sure to personalize them basis your visitors’ behavior to ensure you are offering them an irresistible incentive to stay on your online store.

Privy helps you create pop-up designs for ecommerce store
Image source: Shout Me Loud

Shopping has already moved online. In the coming years, shoppers will only spend more on online purchases. And to make the most of this, eCommerce marketers will have to ace their marketing efforts.

If you haven’t begun your bid for a chunk of this business, now is a good time to get started.  This post offers a great start by discussing various areas of focus for eCommerce marketers and the types of marketing automation tools that can be used to achieve success in them.

Shubhi Ahluwalia
Shubhi Ahluwalia Shubhi is a result-oriented content marketing specialist with an undying passion for storytelling and astute attention to detail. When not at work, you'll find her planning her next vacation, putting her amateur culinary skills to use, or binging on a sitcom.
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