Humans vs AI
A/B testing OpenAI's GPT-3
This is a friendly competition between human copywriters and copy generated by the new VWO feature powered by OpenAI's GPT-3 API. In this competition, we will test AI-generated copy for headlines, buttons or product descriptions against existing (or new) human-written copy for participating websites. The tests will be conducted on VWO or any A/B testing platform you are using today.
See ResultsVWO has integrated OpenAI's GPT-3 into its visual editor which makes it very easy for anyone to come up with AI-generated ideas for the copy in any language. This capability will be made available to participating websites to set up A/B tests for the competition.
The AI works on any website and is able to generate
Suggestions for headlines

Suggestions for product description

Suggestions for CTA buttons

Schedule of the competition
Register your interest to participate in this friendly competition
- Shortlisted participants will be notified
- Access to this AI feature will be made available
- Development of human copy and AI copy to be done
- A/B tests to be set up in VWO or any platform the participants currently uses
A/B tests in progress until they reach statistical significance
First set of results will be made live on the leaderboard on this page
If you are unable to participate but curious to know the results when they are out, leave your email below or follow us on @VWO
- You should have a page with sufficient traffic to allow us to get statistically significant results in one to two weeks.
- You agree to make the % improvement/decline between AI and Human copy public on the leaderboard.
- You agree to the use of your company logo on the leaderboard and this competition page.
- You should have a clear measurable goal for the test to be done.
- You agree to either set up an A/B test in VWO or set up the A/B test in any platform that you currently use and share the results with us to add to the leaderboard.
- You agree to get on a call where we will guide you on the steps to generate the AI copy.
Request access to AI that recommends web copy
If you'd like to get early access to the AI-enabled feature shown above, submit your details and we will help you set up a VWO account with this feature enabled. You can then try this feature on your own website and set up A/B tests to measure its effectiveness
You don't need developer help for using this feature or for implementing A/B tests in VWO.