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What users expect from online shops in 2023 – E-commerce Survey Results

Duration - 45 minutes

Key Take Aways

  • Ensure a quick overview of categories with minimal clicks needed for navigation. Less is often more, and too many categories can overwhelm users.
  • Use images or icons to support understanding and navigation, but test them to ensure they don't confuse users.
  • Classify between types and themes to cater to both inspirational and planned buyers. For example, allow users to search for a specific product or shop by room.
  • Make the sales area a highly visible category, especially in the current economic situation.
  • If your products are typically bought on a frequent basis, consider integrating a 'last purchases' category for easy reordering.
  • Enhance the search function to include search as you type, relevant term suggestions, typo correction, and an add-to-cart function directly in the search. This can significantly improve the user experience and increase conversions.

Summary of the session

The webinar provided insights into effective product detail page design for online retail. The speakers, Ariane Rahn, UX Expert at EyeSquare and Ruben de Boer, Lead Conversion Manager at Online Dialogue emphasized the importance of clear, concise information, recommending the use of collapsible drop-down menus to avoid overwhelming customers. They highlighted the need for clear specification overviews and inclusion details for electronics, citing Apple’s ‘What’s in the box?’ feature as a good example. 

They also stressed the importance of delivery details and availability alerts. The speakers discussed the importance of high-quality product images from various perspectives and contexts, and the need for zoom functionality that doesn’t compromise image quality. They also suggested linking related products shown in images to their respective detail pages.

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Top questions asked by the audience

  • Do you think that it makes sense to A/B test slider on product cards in the product listing page, or just go ahead and implement it?

    Ariane: Good question. Yeah, not sure what you're saying, Ruben, but I would first start off with testing. It's always better to be on the safe side of things. Yeah, I would prefer to test, I think. ...And then you know for sure it helps or it doesn't help. And I think what's another option too is to personalize the content. So it might be an option to, yeah, separate your target audience into different segments. And show them different content. So if you know your target group well, then you could also display, yeah, the one side where you see, like, okay. Here it's working. This type of person likes it. Use it. This other person does not. Might be possible also to show them different content. Ruben: Yep. Very true. Like, experiment, so I always say, do test it because you never know, what works and what doesn't work. So, yeah, do test it if possible if you have insufficient traffic and conversions, validate it some other way, for instance, for usability testing. But always, test and validate, whatever you're about to change on the website. Not just to ensure that your conversion rates don't plummet, but also to learn. Ariane: Mhmm. Yeah. Better. Yeah. It's always better to know than to assume. And probably also for internal reasons, it's also easier to argue if you really have the data and you can really show your colleagues, hey, this is why it's so worth to invest here because the data is clearly showing that our users prefer version A over version B.


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